Support this blog


    We are looking for readers / well-wishers who will support this blog.

The subject of our writing is always evolving. While of late, it has been endurance sports, from 2013 (when the blog was started) to now (late 2017) the broader, consistent theme has been outdoors and the active life. In between we have also indulged in the occasional essay and book / film review. Let me confess, the nature of the blog’s authors makes it difficult to be restricted to a few subjects. What we restrict ourselves to is – whatever we write on, we try to do it as best as we can. That last mentioned attribute is the quality you encourage, should you support this blog.

You can help us in two ways.

One way is to spread the word about this blog. You can share the link to the blog and links to specific stories therein on your social media accounts. This helps improve visibility. The other way you can help us is by making a contribution to the blog’s working capital.

I have been a journalist since 1991; freelancing since 2006. A lot of my savings has gone into building up this blog. I wish for the blog to acquire greater size and depth before exploring a financially sustainable model.

The specific challenge we face is with outstation stories (ex-Mumbai). They entail travel – sometimes, extended travel if the destination is remote – and accommodation, both of which cost. Some assignments have cost us quite a bit. This is despite sincere attempt on our part to keep cost low, eliminating luxuries in travel and accommodation.

If you wish to support us by making a contribution to the blog’s working capital, please write in to for relevant details.

Good writing strives to be as independent as it can be. This is what makes financial assistance for writing tricky and unattractive. There is nothing one may expect in return except continued pursuit of good writing by the craftsmen helped. Those willing to help financially must buy into this idea, including they won’t own copyright to content, which will remain the author’s. You can make up your mind on whether this blog should be helped by perusing the content already produced and posted on the blog. Let the work speak. Please keep scrolling down on the blog’s main page or select from archives to see the full content.


Shyam G Menon